Koharu - The Rose Artist

B.A. Graphic Design, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, M.A. Graphic Design, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Curator’s License, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. With a prize money in 1998, she started her creative work in National Academy Museum & School of Fine Arts,New York. Up to date, she has hold 37 personal exhibitions and participated in many group expositions respectively at National Academy Museum, Daugavpils culture center (Latvia), #111 Yamate Yokohama Landmark House, Italian Garden Diplomat’s House, Kyoto Honen-in Temple, Otani Museum (Tokyo), Nippon Club Gallery (New York), Isetan Shinjuku as well as many other locations. Apart from being an art columnist in newspapers and magazines, she also makes active appearances at NHK, Fuji TV and Shiseido Live Talk Show on Chuo FM Radio.
Her works are housed in Swedish Embassy in Japan, Japanese Embassy in Latvia, K. Caraccio Studio, International Mountain Museum (Nepal), Otani Museum (Tokyo), The Education News Agency (Tokyo), The Sports Connection (Seta hot spring, Tokyo), Shiseido Co., Ltd (Tokyo), Rouran (Niigata) and so on.
- E-mail: info@koharuart.com
Read "COOL Bilingual Art Magazin" Article Sep 02, 2013
Opening reception:
Saturday, September 7, 2013 from 3pm to 6pm
New Century Artists, Inc.
530 West 25th Street, Suite 406
(Between 10th and 11th Avenues)
New York, NY 10001
Google Map
Gallery hours : Tues-Sat 11-6pm
Tell: 212-367-7072
Email: newcenturyartists@msn.com
Large white panties caught my eye.
The large white panty was stretched shamelessly on a hanger, fluttering majestically from a window above, wash drying in the day’s air.
This is a shopping street in Shanghai.
Wow, shocking!
Panties are supposed to be hidden.
Shameless, isn’t it?
Or, am I too sensitive?
Japanese public toilets are equipped with a music player that covers the sound of peeing. Does this exist in any other country in the world?
Or, are Japanese just overly self-conscious?
For some reason, I can’t get that panty out from my mind.
It appeared suddenly, white lace wavering in the breeze.
But as it hung over me, it began to interfere with my life long vision of roses.
In 2010 I visited Shanghai for 6 months to create and exhibit my artwork at the Shanghai International Science and Art Exhibition. Once there, I was distracted by my surroundings. Momentarily blocked from my roses, I had no choice but to work with panties.
With roses as its theme, we take great pleasure in presenting you the exhibition “pleasure of art”. During this Shanghai International science & art exhibition, Ms. Koharu will not only reveal to us a splendid display of her works on roses but also will bring us an all-round enjoyment of the eyes (rotating works), ears (melodious harmony) as well as the nose (floral fragrance). Till 1996, Koharu’s studio has been set in New York. With the advent of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, she has decided to shift her emphasis to Shanghai as her new working location. The theme of Koharu’works is renascence. Flowers, a being born so vividly, withering in a wink, and yet unfailingly regenerate itself with awesome vitality. This process of life inspired me with infinite courage and strength. Here I sincerely extend my warmest welcome to you to come and share my research and enthusiasm for flowers.